SEO Company Melbourne makes use of the following social media resources for achieving the abovesaid objectives:
- Discussion Boards
- Complaint Boards
- Forums
- Blogs
- Social Networking sites
- Social Bookmarking sites
- Social News Sites
- Video Sharing sites
- Photo or the slide sharing sites
- Authority informative content sites
Social Media is generally referred to as the Web 2.0 media. Basically, it refers to those online resources which can be used to facilitate interaction between the two or more people. In that sense, it is also referred synonymously with the networking communities, whether these are social or professional networks. There are definite and distinctive uses of Social Media. At SEO Company Melbourne, we know that the SMO can be helpful in:
- Enabling communication cutting across countries, cultures and hierarchies
- Creating Brand Awareness
- Relationship and Reputation management
- Customer interaction by way of feedback and support
- Developing the network of like minded people
- SEO operations