something very strange was obviously going on in the West End it was not a new population explosion but a sale at Sotheby’s or vintage baby carriages. Something of a departure for the auctioneers who think nothing of selling a few Picasso’s for half a million or so. There was plenty of interest in the collection if you ever wondered why elderly folk are a bit shy today look at the things they road in as babies. four wheeler of 1820 a bit the worse for wear as the trimmings otherwise in perfect running order. This is divine seemed interested in several of the lots a three-wheeler of 1850 pram made in 1895 it was now time for the sale. All the articles were bought by mr. George Howard of Castle Howard Yorkshire for a hundred and ninety-five pounds he has a museum so that’s where this collection will be served. Now a days you can go online and buy a Baby Jogger for less than $1k.